Community Benefits

One of the advantages of the CST at the Old Quarry site is its relatively remote location and blighted landscape, which minimizes the impacts.  

The benefits of CST at the Old Quarry to the Manchester community are many and include:

Reclamation of a blighted quarry landscape

Gaining a strong corporate community partner with a long track record of environmental stewardship and conservation

A corporate partner with a commitment to charitable giving and supporting the local community

A substantial source of new property tax revenue to help pay for essential town services and infrastructure

New opportunities for local service businesses

Advancing scientific research and discovery

Potential new access to conservation land

Fulfills a major goal of the Town’s Master Plan by increasing “Town revenue through planned development within the Limited Commercial District…needed to maintain public infrastructure and facilities.”

Located north of Route 128 and buffered from Manchester’s downtown and residential areas, traffic will access CST at the Old Quarry directly from Route 128 via School Street and Atwater Avenue.  Abutters will be well-screened visually from the R&D facility and CST has a long track record of environmental stewardship and will ensure that land and water resources will be protected and enhanced.